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High stakes for EUR/USD if Fed stops short of market expectations

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Sept 17 (Reuters) -EUR/USD has rallied since the last Fed meeting at the end of July and remains nearer the peaks it briefly touched above the 1.1200 level than the lows where it started, but those gains could evaporate if the U.S. central bank fails to meet market expectations when this week's FOMC gathering concludes on Wednesday.

Much of EUR/USD's near 4.0% trough-to-peak advance off August's low appears driven by investor expectations of a 50bps Fed cut on Wednesday and signals of an aggressive cutting cycle to follow.

Fed Chair Jerome Powell's Jackson Hole speech, where he said the Fed doesn't want to see job weakness, helped fuel those expectations.

Employment data since the July meeting indicated a softening labor market, which could give the Fed reason to cut by 50bps.

However, August retail sales and industrial output could make an argument for only a 25bps cut.

Rates markets are currently discounting a slightly less than 65% chance of a 50bps cut.

A disappointment of market expectations would probably entail a 25bps cut combined with Powell sounding less dovish than markets anticipate and policymakers holding off from lowering their rate projections.

That could lead yields US2YT=RR to rally, dragging the dollar higher as German-U.S. spreads US2DE2=RR widen.

In that scenario, EUR/USD might fall, negating the bullish tech signals in place and erasing a good portion of August's rally.

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(Christopher Romano is a Reuters market analyst. The views expressed are his own)


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تحذير المخاطر: رأس مالك في خطر. المنتجات التي تستخدم الرافعة قد لا تكون مناسبة للجميع. يرجى الاطلاع على تنبيه المخاطر.