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Eurofer cuts European steel forecasts as demand recovery lags

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By Matteo Allievi

July 25 (Reuters) -The European steel market recovery this year and next is likely to be weaker than previously expected, industry group Eurofer said on Thursday, downgrading its outlook for a third time this year on faltering demand.

Axel Eggert, general director of Eurofer, said that the impact from reduced consumer demand on the sector's finances threatens its investment capability.

"That's a problem as we have significant infrastructure investments to make in Europe for the transition to decarbonisation. We have to execute over 30 billion euros of capital investment by 2030," Eggert told Reuters.

After a 3.1% slump in apparent steel consumption in the first quarter, Eurofer said it was cutting its 2024 growth forecast to 1.4% from 3.2% and its 2025 projection to 4.1% from 5.6%.

Apparent steel consumption measures output of steel producers plus net imports minus net exports.

"Moderate quarterly improvements are expected throughout 2024, yet volumes will remain below pre-pandemic levels. The overall evolution of steel demand remains highly uncertain," the European Steel Association said.

Eurofer also cited flagging construction industry along with the impact of higher for longer interest rates on manufacturing.

Automotive output fell almost 1%, with the negative trend expected to continue across the year, it said.

European steelmakers SSAB SSABa.ST and Acerinox ACX.MC on Wednesday made downbeat predictions for European demand in the second half of the year.

Reporting by Matteo Allievi
Editing by Jason Neely and David Goodman


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