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Euro zone bond yields steady after Fed rate cut

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Updates moves at 1029 GMT, adds analyst comment

By Linda Pasquini and Samuel Indyk

LONDON, Sept 19 (Reuters) -Euro zone government bond yields remained steady on Thursday, a day after the Federal Reserve kicked off its easing cycle with a larger than usual interest rate cut but signalled policy moves would be measured through the end of the year.

The Fed lowered its key interest rate by 50 basis points to the 4.75%-5.00% range, when most analysts saw a quarter-point cut as the most likely outcome.

But in flagging that they only see another 50 bps of cuts by the end of 2024, policymakers hinted they might lower rates at a steady pace.

"I think when it comes to yesterday's meeting, (Fed Chair Jerome) Powell was pretty good at delivering a balanced message," which the market reaction clearly reflected, said Jussi Hiljanen, chief rate strategist at lender SEB.

According to Hiljanen, what came through was that the 50bps cut was not an emergency measure but rather a way to catch up, and that the Fed would have lowered its rate by 25 bps at the previous meeting if all data had been available at that time.

"The market reaction reflected that message," he added.

The size and importance of the U.S. economy means that the Federal Reserve has an outsized influence on financial markets and central banks globally.

Germany's 10-year yield DE10YT=RR, the euro zone's benchmark, was up 1 bp to 2.205%, a 1-1/2 week high.

The two-year yield DE2YT=RR, which is more sensitive to changes in interest rate expectations, was down 0.5 bps at 2.256%.

Italy's 10-year yield IT10YT=RR was 1 bp lower at 3.564%, and the gap between Italian and German bund yields DE10IT10=RR was at 135.5 bps.

When it comes to the ECB, the key thing to follow was whether there would be any change in rhetoric of governing council members after the Fed rate cut, with a deviation from the data-dependant message that they have been adopting for quite a few months, Hiljanen said.

The ECB cut rates for the second time this year last week and markets are now trying to guess when the next move is coming.

While most bets focused on December, markets are pricing a one-in-three chance of an ECB rate cut next month.

Reporting by Samuel Indyk and Linda Pasquini; Editing by Mark Potter and Alex Richardson


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