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EU wheat steadies with Chicago after slide

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PARIS, Oct 16 (Reuters) -Euronext wheat edged higher on Wednesday in step with Chicago futures as the markets found chart support following a three-day fall and traders assessed weather and export prospects.

December wheat BL2Z4 on Paris-based Euronext settled 0.7% up at 227.75 euros ($247.50) a metric ton. The contract earlier equalled Tuesday's one-week low of 225.00 euros before recovering.

CBOT wheat Wv1 turned higher after reaching a three-week low. GRA/

A further fall in the euro EUR=, which hit a 2-1/2 monthlow against the dollar, lent support to Euronext while a steadying in crude oil after a day-earlier slide helped underpin grain markets. O/R

"The euro has fallen a long way and we've also reached a firm support zone on Euronext," a futures dealer said.

The wheat market was awaiting a clearer picture on the impact of Russian government steps to regulate wheat exports, including through a proposed price floor, as reported by sources, and a higher export duty.

A move by Turkey to partially ease a wheat import ban, as reported by millers, was not seen stirring significant new demand, with importers expected to draw on Russian wheat supplies already shipped and stored in bonded warehouses.

Rising prices in Russia and Ukraine have fed expectations that a supply glut from Black Sea harvests is ebbing.

But improving planting weather in the Black Sea region, with rain now reaching parched parts of southern Russia, has helped restrain prices.

Farm office FranceAgriMer cut its monthly forecast of 2024/25 French soft wheat ending stocks by 0.24 million tons to 2.51 million tons, now 21% down on last season as it continued to factor in the smallest French harvest since the 1980s.

The office kept unchanged its projection of French soft wheat exports outside the European Union in 2024/25 at 4.0 million tons, down 61% from last season.

Financial investors increased slightly their net short position in Euronext wheat last week, data showed.

($1 = 0.9202 euros)

Reporting by Gus Trompiz


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