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EU, China boost efforts to avert electric-vehicle tariffs, EU says

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Updates with more from EU statement, context of anti-subsidy case

By Philip Blenkinsop

BRUSSELS, Sept 19 (Reuters) -The European Commission and China agreed to intensify efforts to avert EU import tariffs on China-built electric vehicles and could re-examine a minimum-pricedeal previously rejected by the EU, the Commission said on Thursday.

EU trade chief Valdis Dombrovskis and Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao spoke on Thursday as EU countries prepare to vote on tariffs of up to 35.3%, on top of the EU's standard 10% import duty for cars.

The two held a "frank and constructive" discussion on EV tariffs, a Commission spokesperson said, with Dombrovskis stressing the EU anti-subsidy investigation was based on facts and designed to allow competition and a level playing field.

"Both sides reaffirmed their political will to pursue and intensify efforts in finding a mutually agreeable solution, which would need to be effective in addressing the problem, enforceable, monitorable, as well as WTO-compatible," the spokesperson said.

He added that the two sides had agreed to re-examine price undertakings, which involve a minimum price commitment by exporters and often a cap on volumes. The EU executive previously said the deadline for Chinese EV price offers had passed.

Dombrovskis said the EU would continue its investigation.

The European Commission vice president also expressed "strong concerns" about China's trade investigations against EU imports of brandy, pork and dairy, which could result in Chinese tariffs, saying they were unwarranted and based on "questionable allegations".

Reporting by Sudip Kar-Gupta and Philip Blenkinsop; Editing by Hugh Lawson and Rod Nickel


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