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Brookfield-backed Data InvIT raises nearly $1 bln in rare bond deal to fund ATC India purchase

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By Bhakti Tambe

MUMBAI, Sept 5 (Reuters) -Brookfield-backed Data Infrastructure Trust DATN.BO, an Indian infrastructure investment trust (InvIT), has raised $941 million via rupee bonds to fund the purchase of American Tower Corp's (ATC) AMT.N local assets, per a term sheet seen by Reuters.

However, in what is a rare structure for the Indian market, only foreign investors are eligible to subscribe to Data Infrastructure's 79-billion-rupee issue, the term sheet showed.

Canada's Brookfield Asset Management BAM.TO had said at the start of the year that it would buy ATC's India operations, ATC Telecom Infrastructure, for $2.5 billion via the trust.

Since this funding is via a so-called downstream investment -- when an Indian company with foreign investment buys into another local firm -- only foreign portfolio investors are eligible to subscribe, the term sheet said.

Neither Data Infrastructure Trust nor Deutsche Bank and DBS Bank India, the arrangers for the issue, immediately responded to Reuters' request for comment.

The two series of bonds maturing in five years have a quarterly interest rate of 9.99%, the term sheet showed.

About 30% of the issue, or 23.7 billion rupees, is reserved for anchor investors.

Deutsche Bank, DBS Bank, BNP Paribas, Yash Fund and Deccan Funding are the anchor investors for the first series of bonds maturing on Sept. 9, 2029.

JP Morgan Chase Bank is the anchor investor for the second series of bonds maturing on Sept. 10, 2029, with a size of 4.98 billion rupees.

None of the anchor investors immediately replied to Reuters' request for comments.

Crisil and Careedge have rated the issue AAA and said the coupon will increase by 25 basis points for every notch rating downgrade.

Besides the bond issue, Data Infrastructure Trust will raise funds via bank loans and equity to fund the acquisition.

Rupee term loans and bonds of around 49 billion rupees have already been arranged, Careedge said.

($1 = 83.9530 Indian rupees)

Reporting by Bhakti Tambe; Editing by Savio D'Souza


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