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Baloise eyeing changes in board of directors, chairman says

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By Oliver Hirt

ZURICH, Sept 12 (Reuters) -Swiss insurer Baloise BALN.S is considering changes in its board of directors, Chairman Thomas von Planta said on Thursday after the company revealed plans to boost returns to shareholders.

"We want to strengthen the insurance expertise on the board," von Planta told Reuters in an interview. "We are currently holding discussions on this," he added.

Baloise was working towards making those changes at its 2025 Annual General Meeting, said von Planta, who noted that he was open to being re-elected as chairman.

Baloise unveiled the plan tooverhaul its strategy after Swedish activistinvestor Cevian Capital earlier thisweek announced ithad become the company's biggest stakeholder.

The Swiss insurer met with representatives of Cevian and other investors when discussing its plans, the chairman said, calling the Swedish firm "very successful".

"As they say, they (Cevian) see potential in Baloise. We're listening very carefully," said von Planta, who stressed that the insurer wanted to remain independent.

He said the company was committed to retaining its operations in Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg. Some shareholders have urged Baloise to withdraw from Germany.

Baloise hopes to boost its shares going forward, and the company will be able to increase its valuation if the new strategy is successfully implemented, the chairman said.

"I'm confident we'll succeed in doing this," he said.

Reporting by Oliver Hirt
Editing by Dave Graham and Rachel More


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