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At least 22 reported dead as storm John dissipates over Mexico

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By Sarah Morland

MEXICO CITY, Sept 28 (Reuters) -Residents in south-western Mexico on Saturday evacuated from homes flooded by the remnants of Hurricane John that ravaged the Pacific coastline for a week, bringing deadly floods and landslides that left 22 people reported dead.

In Guerrero, the worst-hit state and one of Mexico's poorest, 18 people were killed, according to local media, many due to mudslides that crushed houses. To the south, local media reported three deaths in Oaxaca, and a young boy died in a river to the north in Michoacan state.

John rapidly strengthened into a major hurricane on Monday before tearing into Guerrero. It dissipated then reformed offshore and for the rest of the week skimmed the coastline north, bringing torrential rain and floods.

John began dissipating on Friday and is no longer considered an active storm.

Guerrero state governor Evelyn Salgado shared images on X of emergency responders in the major resort city of Acapulco carrying out rescue operations by boat, jetski and helicopter, and residents wading through roads flooded up to waist-high.

Salgado said access to the airport had been reestablished on Saturday morning.

Residents with small children who evacuated from flooded neighborhoods on dinghies and surfboards asked authorities for support as the city, still recovering from a devastating 2023 storm, faced a second disaster in less than a year.

Last October, Hurricane Otis struck Acapulco as a Category 5 storm that rapidly intensified off the coast, leaving over 50 people dead and billions of dollars in damages. But John's rainfall nearly tripled the rain generated from Otis.

"A lot of water has come down," resident Jazmin Barrera told UnoTV. "We haven't seen the sun since Monday. I think this time around has been more devastating."

Heavy rainfall and thunderstorms are forecast across Guerrero and parts of Oaxaca later on Saturday, but authorities in Acapulco said the floodwaters were starting to fall back.

"Shelters and kitchens have been set up and food supplies are being distributed," President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on X. "Fortunately, the water is now receding and aid to the victims will continue."

Meteorologists say warmer ocean temperatures are giving more fuel to hurricanes, allowing them to become stronger faster and leaving coastal communities less time to brace for their blow.

Reporting by Sarah Morland
Editing by Bill Berkrot
Editing by Bill Berkrot


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