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Ample supply pushes corn, soybeans lower

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Adds analyst comment, updates prices

CANBERRA, Oct 17 (Reuters) -Chicago corn futures edged loweron Thursday as ample supply, despiteU.S. shippers reporting their biggest daily export sale in more than a year, continued to weigh on prices.

Soybean futures also fell, reaching their lowest since late August as rain in South America improved the supply outlook, whilewheat was little changed.

The most-active corn contract on the Chicago Board of Trade Cv1 was down 0.2%at $4.04a bushel at 0541GMT, with CBOT soybeans Sv1 0.3% lower at $9.77 a bushel andwheat Wv1 slipping0.1%to $5.84-1/2 a bushel.

All three have been pressured by a strengthening U.S. dollar, massive ongoing U.S. corn and soy harvests and rain in key export hubs South America and the Black Sea. FRX/

Prices are not far from four-year lows reached earlier this year.

"There's a lot of corn around and Chinese demand for grains more broadly is weak because their economy is sluggish," said Commonwealth Bank analyst Dennis Voznesenski.

Corn prices edged higher on Wednesday after theU.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) said U.S. exporters had sold1.6 million metric tons of U.S. corn to Mexico.

This demonstrated to speculators that low crop prices can attract demand and triggered short covering, brokers StoneX said.

However, dry weather in the U.S. accelerated harvesting, with 47% of the corn crop and 67% of the soybean crop gathered by Sunday, well above the average pace of the last five years, according to the USDA.

Forecasts for beneficial rains in dry crop-growing areas of South America also loom over the corn and soy markets, though Antarctic polar winds blowing over Argentina could further dry out corn and wheat fields there, the Buenos Aires Grains Exchange said.

In Ukraine, high demand for wheat from Asian importers and a limited supply on global markets pushed domestic and export prices up, producers said.

Reporting by Peter Hobson; Editing by Rashmi Aich and Sumana Nandy


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